Sustainability and protection of the enviroment must be taken seriously by all of us
By using the femaCup® you are able to take your personal, little part, as you are producing less waste and your FemaCup® can be used up to 10 years with careful maintenance.

The long useful life is easy on the wallet
As our FemaCup® is reusable, you areable to use it up to 10 years with careful maintenance. In contrast to other menstrual hygiene products you can save additional money.

Whether during the sports, or when shopping, celebrating or just at home on the couch – by a little bit of practice and the right use you wont`t feel your FemaCup® – a completely new awareness of life!

By using the FemaCup®, your vaginal flora stays completely intact, in contrast to other products for the menstrual hygiene as it collects the blood and has no soaking and dry out effect.

You are able to wear the FemaCup® up to 4-12 hours, depending on bleeding. So you are able to be away all day without any worries that something could leak and you don´t have to take additional tampons or sanitary towels with you.

The search for a suitable disposal for your used tampons and sanitary towels takes an end by using the FemaCup® and so you are able to concentrate completely on you and your day.